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EverFocus Electronics Corp.

Серия eIVP

The new AI Smart Surveillance Industrial Computer (eIVP-KBU-IV-V0004 , eIVP5600) is the first fanless, built-in 7th Gen. Intel® Core™ i5/i7 processor, mobile NVR product that was designed to serve as an in-mobile network video recorder (NVR) platform. This innovative product  wins Taiwan Excellence 2020 award with intelligent and resilient design for automotive aftermarket, offering AI technology in software to protect vehicles via 4G remote monitoring. The smart surveillance system also can be installed in fleet vehicles to prevent freight or equipment theft and can be used in mass transit fleets to ensure the safety of passengers by providing real-time surveillance footage and access to traffic and road conditions. The product features an Intel® Movidius™ AI core module to ensure unknown person or vehicle can be detected. EverFocus joined Intel® ISA General member of IoT Solutions Alliance in Oct 2019.

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